Officer Training - Trauma Informed Framework

We partnered with the Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) to make more positive outcomes for victims of crime by equipping officers with quality training. The CCAW's mission is to provide a national forum to disseminate the highest level of training, information, and strategies to professionals who are responders and advocates to victims of the many and varied forms of crimes against women including domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, and strangulation. We are honor to support that mission!

Please watch the promotion Trailer below.

Topics in the video training series:

TIF Part 1: Recognizing Trauma
TIF Part 2: The Traumatized Brain
TIF Part 3: Building Rapport & Softening the Environment
TIF Part 4: Trauma-Informed Interviewing
TIF Part 5: The Impact of a Trauma-Informed Response

We all encounter traumatic events throughout our lives, from natural disasters to serious injuries to experiencing violence. But what is trauma exactly, and how does it show up in our day-to-day lives? Trauma is our brain’s reaction to an abnormal event that it perceives as a threat, often something that is unexpected and could not have been prevented. Trauma is the reaction to the event, not the event itself.

Trauma responses can vary widely because it is a person's own, individual experience of an event that determines whether or not their brain perceives a threat and whether trauma occurs. We can’t control what the brain is threatened by or how it reacts when traumatized, but as first responders, we can recognize trauma when it shows up and use a trauma-informed framework to mitigate its effects. Understanding trauma helps us better serve the often traumatized individuals we work with every day. Without knowledge of how trauma affects the brain, it can be very hard to understand a traumatized person’s counterintuitive behaviors, especially when those behaviors so often look like what we’ve previously seen as lying.