The Permian Basin is one of the most prolific hydrocarbon-producing regions in the world, a major contributor to employing manpower from around the world, and pays some of the highest wages in the nation for those without a college degree. Historic work, faith, and family values are why people call this place home, and yet, due to its geographic area and limited housing, the Permian Basin is still and may always be a migratory location. Petroleum companies and oil service companies pull in manpower from across the United States, Mexico, South America, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and even Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. A workforce of mostly high-paid men and staying periodically in hotels, company housing, and man camps while in town. This works to keep business alive and with that, you’re also seeing the vices that come with it, like drugs, alcohol, and human trafficking.
On January 15, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, a group of individuals met at Callender's Gallery in Midland, TX, to help stop child sex trafficking. Those present included local law enforcement agencies, advocacy centers, church partners, and recognized corporate leaders.
Throughout the years US Citizens and organizations have given millions to help children in need around the world. Haiti, Kenya, India, and Guatemala all have children who need clean water, healthcare, education, and nutrition. These needs are apparent, and we as a people created immediate and long-term ways to create positive change. Today, without disturbing the much-needed care we provide to children around the world, it’s time to take action with a solution for the most horrific crime against children there is, child sex trafficking. Due to the context of the problem and the complexity of its resolution, the general public’s hands have been tied, until now. Now there is a way, it’s through an educational action plan to reduce the 17,000 annual US child abductions for the sex trade. It’s up to us.
Now, it’s time to start fighting against human trafficking in a much greater way by increasing funds for professionals to learn and create better outcomes. It’s also time to step up the education needed for students to learn about predators and abduction to save their lives. For every problem, there is a solution. Producing and providing the additional specialized training law enforcement needs from leading national experts in the field of sex trafficking will help support their existing efforts. And age-appropriate gamified leading will help children understand grooming, abduction, and family persuasion into the sex trade.
The issues are very real but are very manageable with the right tools. Education and training will save lives and help the Permian Basin manage this very specific crime. If your company, organization, or nonprofit generates income or donations from the Petroleum Industry, please consider your sponsorship as an investment back into the community feeling the pressure of the industry's power.
Petroleum Service Companies - please purchase donated artwork of choice from Callender's Gallery. Bob Callender is donating fine art with proceeds to benefit a six-part roll-call training series produced through the Conference on Crimes Against Women by Jon Lindgren with knowledgeable law enforcement agencies associated with sex crimes and crimes against children. Artwork comes with a plague honoring your gift. Pick your art and donation amount here. Donation amount determines size of print. Sponsorship promotion kicks off Oct 1, 2024 and will be televised January 1, 2025 during National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
Platinum - $50,000, Gold - $10,000, Silver - $5,000, Bronz - $2,500
Use of Funds
Roll Call Training
Donations will be used for producing and the distribution of specialized law enforcement video training law enforcement needs from leading national experts in the field of sex trafficking to support their local existing efforts. This includes knowledge and access to local and national resources. Training can also be used for child advocacy centers, DA office officials, and other child serving organizations. Overview
Electronic Child Learning
Age-appropriate gamified leading will help children understand grooming, abduction, and family persuasion into the sex trade. This is accomplished through the development of an online learning tool that follows public school child safety curriculum guidelines and is accompanied with a teacher's guide. Overview
Community Outreach
A public awareness campaign in the Permian Basin includes media, social media, and print support, speaker presentations to community organizations, and good old fashioned door to door communication. Funds pay for development and distribution.
Coordinated Community Response Training
In-person and online training for professional organizations within and the support of the legal system. The Institute for Coordinated Community Response (ICCR) a nationally recognized training center provides community lectures and group meeting to professional organizations to help ensure justice for victims and how hold offenders accountable. Their website.
A Place for Orphans
Basin Dream Center For Orphans is a transitional living center for children who age out of foster care, are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and human traffic victims. Funds will assist in growing the service from 40 young adults a year to 120, through a larger facility, that includes an emergency center. They focus on long-term solutions for residents and students by providing a stable living opportunity for stability, skill-building, and community reintegration. Video overview and website.
The Big Picture
Fixing a problem of this size takes a community. It engages and requires law enforcement, education systems, all child serving organizations, churches, community serving organizations, business and residents.
Petroleum companies, organizations, and nonprofits - please consider providing a one-time donation, a partnership, or a grant opportunity to help us complete this education program. Please contact me for additional information or set up a call to discuss how to become a partner.